Sometimes depression gets classed as being under the same umbrella, that there is just one type. As a society we tend to brand things in our own minds and then inadvertently try to influence people to think the same way as us. This can be the case with depression that all people suffer from the same type. This is not the case, there are many forms of depression and it’s important that we understand that so we can help our friends or loved ones get the correct help that they may need.

We are going to have a look at the five most common forms of depression and look at their typical treatment options.

  • Major depressive disorder
  • Persistent depressive disorder
  • Psychotic depression
  • Seasonal affective disorder
  • Bipolar depression

Major depressive disorder; The symptoms of this include feeling unhappy or hopeless, having low self esteem and finding no pleasure in the things that you usually enjoy. Individuals that suffer from this can also have symptoms of anxiety. It’s not only mental, but also a person can suffer from physical symptoms too. These can include being constantly tired, sleeping badly, having no appetite or sex drive along with various aches and pains. These symptoms can range from mild to severe. Mild feeling persistently low whilst severe can make you feel suicidal, that life is not worth living. The best treatments are medication and psychotherapy. This type of depression is the most common and treatable mental health disorder, with early treatment some people can gain control of their symptoms feel better and get back to enjoying their lives.

Persistent depressive disorder; This disorder is a continuous, long term form of depression. The individual may feel sad and empty, lose interest in daily activities and have trouble getting things done. They can have a poor appetite , have low energy, poor concentration and difficulty in making decisions. Along with this they may have low self esteem, they feel like a failure and have a feeling of hopelessness. This disorder could last for at least two years of dark, sad and low days, this is not restricted to adults but also includes young people. The causes are not known, but certain factors may contribute these include; imbalances in brain circuitry, stressful or traumatic life events, such as loss of a loved one or financial problems and a physical brain trauma such as concussion. It can also be a condition that is present in the family. Blood tests and a physical examination would be done by your GP. If they believe you have PDD they may refer you to a mental health professional, along with prescribed anti depressants which may take several weeks to take full effect.

Psychotic depression; This is where along with severe clinical depression some people will also experience hallucinations and delusional thinking. This can include seeing colours or shapes or people. It can include also hearing people, feeling like someone is touching you when there is none there. They can sometimes smell an odour that no one else can smell and taste things when there is nothing in their mouth. Psychosis can last for a month or less but can also last for six months or longer. We can help these individuals by talking to them clearly and using short sentences using a calm non threatening voice. We would be empathetic to how they feel and what they believe they are experiencing, and validate the experiences that they are going through. Remember though if they are emotionally, mentally or physically abusive it’s ok to walk away from that situation. With effective treatment people will recover from their first episode and may never have another.

Seasonal affective disorders; Also known as SAD, or winter depression because the symptoms are more apparent during the winter period. The symptoms are feeling depressed most of the day, every day. Losing interest in activities that you once used to enjoy. Experiencing changes in your diet or weight. You can also experience problems with sleep, feel sluggish or agitated and having low energy. Have difficulty concentrating along with feeling hopeless or worthless. The reduced level of sunlight may cause the onset of SAD, it can disrupt your bodies internal clock. A drop in the brains chemical called Serotonin may also play a role in the depression. It is said that it may last for about five months of the year. The best way to deal with it is to acknowledge what’s happening, it’s ok not to feel ok. Prioritise taking care of yourself, sways be mindful of how you are feeling. Maintain connections with your loved ones or friends and seek help from professionals if your sadness becomes overwhelming or unmanageable.

Bipolar depression; This is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings, extreme highs and lows which can last for several weeks. If someone experiences an episode they will require immediate medical care. They will experience both severe depression and episodes of mania, overwhelming joy, excitement or happiness, huge energy, a reduced need for sleep and reduced inhibitions . No two people are the same and have the same experiences. It can occur at any age but often develops between 15 & 19 and rarely develops after 40. It can occur in both men and women equally. It’s usually a stressful circumstance or situation that can trigger and episode of bipolar. Things such as the breakdown of a relationship, physical, sexual or emotional abuse can trigger it. Never argue or debate with a person during a manic episode and avoid an intense conversation and do not take comments or behaviour personally. The main treatments for bipolar include medications and psychological counselling to control the symptoms.The condition is treatable with such treatments.

We can see that there are similarities in most depressions, but they are all different as well, some having unique symptoms. If we know of anyone experiencing any of these above conditions or symptoms we must encourage them to seek medical help with their GP. But also remembering that we are important and so is our health so if you need to take a step back do so. If you are feeling alright continue to support, be kind and listen.

# Depression # Listen&bekind # lookafterourhealth

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Seb’s Dani
